Our Values
Fighter Shots was created by Anna Szymanoska in 2019 after she discovered ginger health shots in Switzerland. Caught up in her busy executive lifestyle she was so impressed by how much energy she had and how much better she felt after implementing them into her daily routine. It was then when she decided to share her discovery and began her mission to help others feel better and healthier. Since then, Fighter Shots mission has been to bring “the mighty power of ginger in a little glass bottle” to everyone!
Quality: We aim to provide the best quality of ingredients in our shots. This is why our ingredients are organic, cold-pressed , and never from concentrate which allow us to extract the highest volume of nutrients and minerals. Moreover we use glass bottles, which ensure no harmful chemicals leach into our drinks.
Sustainability: is at the heart of all our business decisions. We have chosen to pack our shots in glass bottles which are 100% recyclable. Overall glass is recycled up to 20% more than plastic in the UK.We also use cardboard packaging as it is the best option in terms transportation and has the least environmental impact. The recycling rate for corrugated cardboard is the highest of any form of packaging. Besides, it’s fully biodegradable when sent to a landfill. Finally, we are all working from home; this allows us to reduce our carbon footprint and affect climate change by lowering commuter travel. Educating our community: We believe that constant learning is the success of a good business. We are encouraging our employees to stay on top of the news. This allows us to be more innovative and helps us create the best products in the most sustainable way.
We are also dedicated to teaching our community about healthy living and sustainability on our social medias platform. Education is vital for better living and a better world.
Fighter Shots aims to provide its potent health shots to a wider audience as possible in the most convenient and sustainable way, because health doesn't have to be complicated!